The medicinal product TAMERON®
— is your way to live a longer and healthier life


Normalizes oxidation-reduction potential of infected human cells.

Prevents viral replication in cells.

Terminates  in infected cells death.

Allows stopping straight the oxidative stress caused by macrophages during coronavirus disease.

Helps to prevent massive thrombosis.

Helps to keep the pulmonary alveoli out of damage.

TAMERON® is highly efficient in treating different pathologies and viral diseases, including coronavirus infection.

Aminodihydrophthalazinedione of sodium has a similar mechanism of action as hydroxychloroquine, which was used to treat patients with coronavirus infection in China and has shown good results. However, Tameron®, in comparison with it, has no toxic effect on the cardiac muscle.

Coronavirus infects lung cells after its transmission from one person to another even if it goes without showing any symptoms. Coronavirus interacts with human cells’ receptors, particularly with the ACE2 receptor, which is extensively represented in the upper respiratory tract epithelial tissue and epithelial cells of the mucous tunic of the mouth.

In the early stages of disease progression COVID-19 leads to the hyperactivation of the immune response, known as cytokine storm or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which damages multiple organs. Then in the following behaviouralis disease comes along with the immune suppression as a decrease in lymphocytes and the type I interferon production.

Nowadays there is no yet highly effective specific treatment for the coronavirus infection and that’s why use of well-known drugs for non-specific immunotherapy is still relevant. But TAMERON® may become such an effective drug.

TAMERON® can affect two main virus pathogenicity factors as its replication in human cells and it also prevents the hyperactivation of the immune system and the cytokine storm progression.

Coronavirus replication goes along with the oxidative stress in cells. TAMERON® affecting the genetic apparatus of human cells suppresses reactive oxygen species generation.

Studies conducted on volunteers infected with coronavirus showed TAMERON®’s high efficiency in treatment like intense reduction of virus RNA titers, and that means strong suppression of virus replication.

TAMERON® reveals protective and anti-oxidative effects in cells of nerve tissue. The use of the TAMERON® drug provides a neuroprotective effect and reduces the level of side effects and their severity in terms of the human nervous system damage caused by COVID-19.

The generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species is the reason for a massive release of cytokines (cytokine storm), a massive immune response in the body, and extensive tissue damage. COVID-19 tissue disease results in minor interferon production, stronger cells’ damage, and enhanced sensitivity to microbial threats.

Cytokine storm can be successfully suppressed by using TAMERON® which affects the functioning of antioxidant defence genes and thus dramatically reduces the generation of reactive oxygen and normalizes interferon production.

Coronavirus also damages the immune system cells like thymocytes and macrophages. During the TAMERON® biological activity studies, it was revealed that this drug regulates the cytoskeleton of thymocytes, the immune cells. Once entered in macrophages, the virus activates inflammatory genes and the production of reactive oxygen species. This leads to global oxidative stress in the alveoli and nearby areas. These processes favour one of the key COVID-19 pathologic conditions — pulmonary tissue thrombosis.

Mechanism of action

Stabilization of intracellular factor Nrf2, which activates genes in cytoblast in a chord manner. These genes codify protein synthesis of several defence groups. Nrf2 stabilization is a natural reaction of macrophages on injury, infection, toxins, reactive oxygen species, oxygen deficiency, or lack of substrates for energy metabolism. TAMERON® gives a significant and additional kick to this natural reaction. First of all, we should notice the synthesis of a full complex of intracellular antioxidant defence enzymes of the very macrophages. That strongly inhibits virus replication and its growth, RNA viruses especially, including coronavirus-related viruses too.

Metabolic changes in macrophages whose goal is to support intracellular antioxidant enzymes and to favour macrophage surfaces arming with systems of production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. They are the first to kill infected, cancer, and injured cells.

Synthesis of detoxification unit, breakdown products of viruses and cells, and foreign communications.

The slowdown of excessive formation of substances promotes intense inflammatory response keeping healthy cells safe.

These processes restrain viral aggression, preventing immune and nervous systems’ damage, and facilitate faster regeneration of damaged tissues.

Booklet “The TAMERON® series innovative drugs”